Sunday 9 May 2021

Flipped learning in Existentialism.


Hello readers,

 I will discuss Existentialism in this blog as part of Flipped learning among you.  Which is given by our Professor Dilip Baradsir.  Click here to follow it.

Existentialism  is a form of philosophical inquiry that explores the problem of human existence and centers on the lived experience of the thinking, feeling, acting individual.In the view of the existentialist, the individual's starting point has been called "the existential angst," a sense of dread, disorientation, confusion, or anxiety in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world. Existentialist thinkers frequently explore issues related to the meaning, purpose, and value of human existence.More information.

Video -1  What is Existentialism?

Existentialism also work with some logic and philosophy which help to us finding self and meaning of life through free will, choice and responsibility.  Individualism means that freedom helps one to find the meaning and significance of life through one's will, one's choice and one's responsibility.  And we are working on something in it.  In which some things are personal to us.  The things we like are the things we like that we behave this way, we work this way, we live life this way.  In which everyone has his own choice, his own freedom.

Video-2 The Myth of Sisyphus : The Absurd Reasoning

 The myth of Sysyphus: the absurd reasoning.When we think life is completely useless, we think of suicide.  Suicide is a personal process.  So the idea of ​​suicide comes to a person's mind, suicide is connected with an individual. In this video Albert Camus talked about the absurdity, life is meaningless and also there is an example of the movie 'Stay' in which we can see the existentialism that suicide is best option in this absurd life.

Video-3 The notion of philosophical suicide

When we think life is completely useless, we think of suicide.  Suicide is a personal process.  So the idea of ​​suicide comes to a person's mind, suicide is connected with an individual.  It’s a worth watching video to understand the concept of Philosophical suicide. . When we start to kill our own self as philosopher at that time it becomes Philosophical  suicide. Why the absurdity takes place? It takes place because of the conflict between human and world. If there are no human beings, there would not be any desire. Without human being there should not be the question of absurdity. It can be said that absurdity is an ultimate reality of human life but at the same time for an absurd mind reason is useless and there is nothing beyond reasons. In this situation may our reliance be the ultimate solution of absurdity.

Video-4 Dadaism, Nihilism and Existentialism

The values ​​that human beings have inherited are traditionally given to the world.  Which every human being follows. And sometimes it also happens that it does not have a special meaning in life.Dadaism and Nihilism has nothing to do with each other, there is only one similarity that both are fed up with arbitrary values of life. they do not want such values invented by others.

Video -5 Existentialism – a gloomy philosophy

Life is full of despair, anxiety and absurdity.  Man just has to think and make his own way in it. How he becomes depends on himself.Existentialism came after the second world war when the people tried to find meaning of life among gloominess of despair .Though the life is full of anxiety, despair and absurdity, we are free to give our own values to ourselves. But after following whatever we have chosen it’s become one’s own responsibility. The result should be either in favour or in against but escapism in bad situation should not be there. Being individual is also considered as narcissist but in actual it’s not true.

Video-6 Existentialism and Nihilism: Is it one and the same?

Existentialism is not a philosophical movement nor a set of doctrines. Rather it is classified as a philosophical movement. Divine perspective comes with belief in immortality which ignores the morality as an important notion of human perspective. Existentialism has more concerned with subjectivity while Nihilism has more concerned with objectivity.

Video -7.    Existentialist again!

It examine Sartre's famous statement" Existence precceds essence " .Existentialist is the key concern of philosophy It described ' Human condition' 1. Why I am here ?    2. What does it mean to be human ?   3. How should I live my life ?  In video it has rejection of all Encompassing systems.

Video-8 Existentialism and Nietzsche

 Existentialism and Nietzsche: Nietzsche's Existentialism talked about that human being is everything, there is no need any supernatural power to govern life. Like God is dead so human being can make their own rules and be like superman or ubermensch.

Video- 9 Why I like Existentialism? Eric Dodson

Existentialism is a very broad idea to understand the deeper meaning of life. Existentialism is not apply to the mind but also apply to the heart which is called existential sensibility. It means that as a mind wants to know the meaning of life heart also wants to enjoy or feel it.

Video-10  From Essentialism to Existentialism

There is a difference between essentialism and existentialism. As a human being only after the birth we can decide our essence by our choice. The meaning of life is only given by us otherwise there is no meaning of life.

Which video I like the Most and Why?

From all these I like the last video. This video talks about how to live a life by making our own individual identity rather than to follow the ideas of others. From this video we can learn that to make our own path in this world is very important.

I learned the following in this Flipped learning.

➡️How to learn any one topic well by educating yourself.

➡️I am learn to What is Existentialism?

➡️connection between Dadaism, Nihilism and Existentialism

➡️Albert Camus what says to Existentialism and his suicide theory.

➡️Nietzsche's Existentialism talked about that human being 

➡️ Eric Dodson Existentialism

➡️Aristotle, Plato things  is essence


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