Monday 5 April 2021

Dystopian Literature

 Dystopian Literature

           Our traditions go back to the past. We see such traditions in the history of the past.  In which the king ruled over the people.  It gradually changed and the rule over the people was removed and the people were given some freedom.  The British then enslaved the Indians.  And many other nations were enslaved.  Many revolutionaries revolted against him in order to gradually get out of slavery.  And tried to give freedom to all.  Freedom was found in all countries and people were given freedom.  But a tradition was maintained.  That one leader will rule the whole country.  Many countries had democratic practices, many countries had dictatorships.  Which has increased the craze for dystopian literature today.  There are a lot of good and bad effects.  The question arises in our minds that what is this dystopia literature then let's discuss it.

         Dystopian fiction offers a vision of the future. Dystopias are societies in cataclysmic decline, with characters who battle environmental ruin, technological control, and government oppression. Dystopian novels can challenge readers to think differently about current social and political climates, and in some instances can even inspire action.

What’s the Difference Between Utopia and Dystopia?

       The term “utopia” was coined by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book Utopia, which was about an ideal society on a fictional island. Unlike utopian literature, dystopian literature explores the dangerous effects of political and social structures on humanity’s future.

What Is Dystopian Fiction?




    Dystopian literature is a form of speculative fiction that began as a response to utopian literature. A dystopia is an imagined community or society that is dehumanizing and frightening. A dystopia is an antonym of a utopia, which is a perfect society.

A person who imagines or foresees a state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.

‘For some dystopians, new technology is a source of control.’

‘Yet, this technological naivety finally does not matter, for the dystopians' purpose is moral and political.’

Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics:


The idea that there is peace, happiness and prosperity everywhere on this earth means utopia, all these things are right, there are no problems, no economic hardship, there are no wrong laws of the government, there is no poverty, there is no wealth, all happiness can live in peace and ideal life.  Can go the way.  One such notion is utopia.  A place, state, or condition that is ideally perfect in respect of politics, laws, customs, and imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.


On the contrary, when machines rule over man, the government maintains its position over the people.  The Industrial Revolution should be given more importance.  Dystopia is an idea that makes people suffer more.A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarlan control. Dystoplas, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or political system.

5 Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction:

The central themes of dystopian novels generally fall under these topics:

  • Government control
  • Environmental destruction
  • Technological control
  • Survival
  • Loss of individualism

1] Government control

       Government is a kind of authority created to rule over the people.  The people have chosen the man who is in power in the government.  People chose this person because this person will complete the work that he has.  But today his situation is very different because the man who was chosen by the people to complete his works prefers to rule over him, rather than to do his works.  People have become like puppets today because of the government.  The way people dance, the way people dance, the way people dance. There are a lot of things that are happening nowadays that have upset people with certain rules taken by the government.  Which have made completely wrong rules.  What the government likes is good and what it doesn't like is bad.  The government imposed rules that allowed people to stay indoors and get out of the house due to coronary heart disease.  So when people have to face fear and trouble. When this same government comes to power, they have good things to say to the people, they promise to help the people. But today the reality is something different.

        This idea is not modern. This idea has been coming up for many years which we call dystopia.  Many novels and many movies have been made in English literature which include dystopian thought. Some of these novels and movies are as follows.

Gulliver's Travels:

          Jonathan Swift was the first to introduce the concept of dystopia in literature.  One of his works, Gulliver Travels, gives the concept of utopia and dystopia. It shows how the government had an effect on society at that time and what was lacking in society.Read more information

1984 book:-

        1984 is a dystopian novella by George Orwell published in 1949, which follows the life of Winston Smith, a low ranking member of 'the Party', who is frustrated by the omnipresent eyes of the party, and its ominous ruler Big Brother. 'Big Brother' controls every aspect of people's lives.

       This novel is to be revolted against the government.  But the laws of the government at that time were very strict.  No one dared to stand or speak in front of him.  Because the punishment for speaking against those people was so severe that no one even thought about speaking against the government.  When Winston Smith raises his voice against the government in this novel, he is tortured in many ways by the government. And he is tortured until he admits his mistake.  And he also admits that he will not make the same mistake again.  And society also seems to live its life well, which shows the extent to which the government would be torturing the individual.  He will also give his own rules and people will have to do as he says.  Winston's own girlfriend also falls victim to this.  She too has to endure the torment given by the government.  And she is ready to live her life alone, because the government has tortured her to such an extent that she does not even want to live with her lover. Follow the link below for More information

           At that time the government did not allow anyone to go out of the house, not to be in a relationship with a man or a woman, not to write any kind of literature, not to say anything against the government, many such things are connected with this novel.  Even today we see some things in the present time.

Full Title   1984

Author George Orwell

Type Of Work  Novel

Genre Dystopian Fiction, Science Fiction

Language  English

Time And Place Written  England, 1949

Date Of First Publication  1949

Publisher  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Narrator  Third-person, limited

Climax  Winston’s torture with the cage of rats in Room 101

Protagonist  Winston Smith

Antagonist  The Party; Big Brother

Setting (Time)  1984

Setting (Place)  London, England (known as “Airstrip One” in the novel’s alternate reality)

Point Of View  Winston Smith’s

Falling Action  Winston’s time in the café following his release from prison, including the memory of his meeting with Julia at the end of Book Three

Tense  Past

Foreshadowing  Winston’s betrayal of Julia is ironically foreshadowed by his insistence the Party can’t make him stop loving her; Winston’s betrayal of the Party is foreshadowed by the anti-Party comments he writes in his diary; Winston’s misreading of Julia as a spy foreshadows that he will misread O’Brien as a friend instead of antagonist; the rat in Winston and Julia’s rented room foreshadows that they are being watched.

Tone Dark, frustrated, pessimistic

Themes  The psychological, technological, physical, and social dangers of totalitarianism and political authority; the importance of language in shaping human thought

2] Technological control:

      The Controlling technology is also a symptom of dystopia.  Because the present is known as the modern age of time.  In which a lot of information and technology has developed.  Since the beginning of technology, most of the technology has been used in developed countries.  In which new machines and equipment are made.  Machines grabbed these tools from the people.  And increased unemployment among the people.

 Robots are a medium of technology.  Even the robot has come to rule over man.  Which we find in the literature.  Also seen on television serials.  An important example of this is the famous movie Robot from the South.  In which a robot rules over the entire human community and poses a big question for human laughter.  The robot is a man-made invention.  But this becomes a medium of technology that rules over man.  Everyone has a mobile. Mobile also attracts people to itself and keeps them in it.

          The idea of ​​creating a time machine through technology has also come up.  Many books and movies have been made accordingly.  Which is an impossible thing.  Yet it is thought by imagination that this might happen.  So it is included in the dystopian literature.

           The power of man's thinking is vast.  In literature, writers have an open field to think. They are innovating.  A writer can think of what an ideal society should be like and give many ideas about it which we know as utopia.  In the same way, there is a concept in which all things are misrepresented, which we call dystopia.  In which not a single thing is good, the machine rules over the people, the government rules over the crowds of people, a lot of damage is done to nature, where the thinking that not a single thing can happen in the same way is dystopia.


Words -1600

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