The literature is vast. It involves a lot of work. Many centuries have passed in literature. And now a new century is underway. A lot of literature has been written in the past. And there have been a lot of writers and literary figures in the past. A lot has been written in literature. Including play novel, darama, poetry, poetry prose etc. There are many types of poetry. One of them is metaphysical poetry. So today we will discuss metaphysical poetry. What is metaphysical poetry called? How is it different from a others poetry? Which we will discuss here in this blog.
Metaphysical poerty
Metaphysical poetry began in the end Elizabeth's age and the beginning of the Jacobean age. That time Seventeenth-century writers who wrote metaphysical poet.But he did not even know that he was writing metaphysical poetry. The metaphysical poet is referred to as the metaphysical poet after his death. So where did this metaphysical term come from? Who is the first to pronounce the word metaphysical? It will be discussed here.
Origin in Metaphysical term:-
The expression ‘Metaphysical Poetry’ refers to the works of a group of poets, chiefly of 17th century, in whose poetry the intellectual faculty abstains an enormous supremacy over feeling and sentiment and emotions are shaped and expressed by logical reasoning. They give expression to their feelings referring to a background of ideas. Led by John Donne, the metaphysical poets break away from the easy, fluent style, stock imagery and pastoral conventions of the followers of Spenser. They opted for the unexpected and ingenious analogies, remote and far-fetched comparisons, and obscurest resources of historical and scientific allusions. Their poetry is, thus, full of learned imageries and striking conceits and at the same time it is often passionate and lyrical. The group includes poets like...
John Donne(1572-1631),
Andrew Marvell (1621-1673),
George Herbert(1593-1633),
Richard Crashaw(1612-1649),
Abraham Cowley(1618-1667) and many others.
John Dryden said in his Discourse Concerning Satire (1693) that John Donne in his poetry “affects metaphysics” meaning that Donne employs the terminology and abstruse arguments of the medieval scholastic philosophers. In 1779 Samuel Johnson extended the term “metaphysical” from Donne to a school of poets, in the acute and balanced critic which he incorporated in his “Life of Cowley”.
The meaning of Metaphysical poetry:-
The word "meta" means " beyond" and "physics" means "physical nature" and metaphysical means :-
> Incomplitabl
> Visionary
> Supernatural
> Chivalrous
Definition of "metaphysical poetry"
The term metaphysical or metaphysics in poetry is the fruits of renaissance tree becoming ever ripe approaching pure science.
Literary terms syas, Metaphysical is a philosophical concept used in literature to describe the things that are beyond the description of physical existence. It is intended to elucidate the fundamental nature of being and the world and is often used in the form of argument to :-
describe the intellectual or emotional state an individual goes through. It is deliberately inserted to make the audience think about the things they had never imagined. Although it is often considered a complex phenomenon, it, however, plays a pivotal role in advancing the idea of the text.In literature, metaphysical is often used with poetry. It is a type of poetry written during the seventeenth century. Etymologically, “metaphysical” is a combination of two words ‘meta’ and ‘physical.’ The meanings are clear that it deals with the things that are beyond this the existence of the physical world.
What is metaphysical poetry ?
Metaphysical poetry write about love death and religion. In metaphysical poetries use the themes: physical death, riligiens and physical love.
Metaphysical poets
Characteristics of metaphysical:-
(1) Dramatic manner and direct tone of speech:-
Metaphysical poetry has a direct tone of speech. It is not rhythmic. It cannot be sung. But can be well read. Some are presented dramatically in metaphysical poetry. Which is at the beginning of poetry.Dr Johnson wants to stay that there is no music and rhythm in their poetry.
(2) Concentration:-
Metaphysical poetry is full of quality. The Most of metaphysical poetry is focused. The main ones are the poems of John Donne. His poetry is done keeping in mind the thoughts and arguments of the reader. Donne's poems are concise and thought-provoking. In his poem Death, be not proud, John Donne says that death does not remain death and only death dies. Which puts us in an idea.
"One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."
(3) An expanded epigram:-
Metaphysical poetry has a proper description of poetry. It is not described by area. Described very briefly. But it makes sense. It does not use additional words. The poems, though short, are expressive and thought-provoking. for example....
"Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare,
Where we almost, nay more than married are.
This flea is you and I, and this"
(4) Fondness for conceits:-
The imagination has a central place in metaphysical poetry. One thing is compared to another. This comparison is oddly compared. So many example found in many metaphysical poems. Which is as follows.
"Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the flood,
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews."
(5) Wit
Wit is another characteristic of metaphysical poetry. So, here we find various allusions and images relating to practicality all areas of nature and art and learning-- to medicine, cosmology, contemporary discoveries, ancient myth, history, law and art.John Done's poem "The Pulley" depicts the relationship between God and man through the pulley. Demonstrated the relationship between God and man through the example of the common pulley.
"When God at first made man,
Having a glass of blessings standing by,
“Let us,” said he, “pour on him all we can.
Let the world’s riches, which dispersèd lie,
Contract into a span.”
Others Characteristics:-
(6) Metaphysical Poetry is a blend of passion and thought.
(7) Metaphysical Poetry is a fusion of passionate feelings and logical arguments.
(8) Metaphysical Poetry is the mixture of sensual and spiritual experience.
(9) Usage of satire and irony
(10)the use of colloquial speech
(11) Carelessness in diction
(12) Affectation and hyperbolic expression
(13) The lyrics of the metaphysical poems are very fantastic and peculiar.
Five poetry of metaphysical poetry:-
John Donne poetry
1]Death, be not proud
2]The Flea
3]The Sun Rising
Andrew Marvell poetry:-
1]To His Coy Mistress
George Herbert poetry:-
1]The Collar
(1)Death, be not proud
This poem is a metaphysical poem. Which is written by John Donne in 1663.This poem is about death. This metaphysical poetry is known as the holy sonnet.'Death be not proud' is a wall know holy sonnet by John donne. This sonnet is a addressed by the poet to death itself. The aim of the poet behind writing. The Sonnet is to nullify fear of death. The poet has presented altogether a different picture. of death in the present Sonnet.
This sonnet begins with an introduction to death. All people are afraid of death. No one likes death. But inside the sonnet, the poet portrays death differently. Everyone understands that death kills everyone. But the poet says that death does not kill anyone. The poet challenges death to what you can do. This seemingly dangerous death cannot kill anyone. The poet portrays death with a sense of humor. The poet depicts a man sitting under a tree, relaxing and sleeping with joy listening to the sound. Even if death comes. And the poet says where such a happy death took place. The poet gives an example of nullify fears for death. Those who are good men die quickly. And the bad men who are there do not die quickly. Then what do I need to be afraid of. There are many examples of people who were good men and God called them to him at a young age. Such as Swami Swami Vivekananda, Kalapi. There are many such examples. Death can occur in four ways. Called the agency of death such as man, faith, chance and king. According to the poet death is a slave of four elements. Death is also a place to live. His place of residence is poison, war, sickness. Death can be invited by these three.
The way to inflict death is also different. Death puts a man to sleep in one fell swoop. When the mother's wall puts the baby to sleep slowly. Death is like going to bed in the evening and getting up again in the morning. That is, the organism passes from one body to another. The second is born. If such a death occurs, I must die. O death, you will not die, you will die yourself.This is how and of the poem Johnson tries to convince all that there will be no fear of death and death itself will die because nobody will be afraid of death.
(2)The Flea:-
"The Flea" is an erotic metaphysical poem by John Donne.The Flea by John donne is a metaphysical poem in a real sense of the poet uses of a biological image of "The Flea" in order to express his love for his beloved. The flea is a small insect.Which is survives by sucking blood from the skin of animals. It is very small is a size. It flies from the spot. Where is a sucks blood the biological image of the insect is taken help of by the poet for the expression of his love for beloved.
In this poem, the story of boyfriend and girlfriend is presented. Which have been shown one by the flea. Flea is a blood-sucking insect. Where the lover and his beloved are sitting, this flea first sucks the blood of the lover and then sucks the blood of the beloved. When the eyes of these lovers go to the true flea, the beloved is persuaded to kill the flea. Then his lover stops him and tells him what you are doing to this poor thing. What has this flea spoiled for you? And now it contains the blood of both of us. So the two of us became one. And if you kill a flea, you will be guilty of three murders. One is my murder, the other is your murder and the third is the killing of fleas. And this is our wedding home. Hey witness our marriage. So where did you become so cruel that you are ready to kill this. You are no longer a virgin. Where did your virginity go? Now even your parents will not give up. And if he doesn't, then are we one now? He hit the flea so your nails turned purple. What are you afraid of now? If you accept me, you will be as sad as you are to kill this flea. And just as important as you respect me.
3]The Sun Rising:-
The Sun Rising is a thirty-line poem with three stanzas published in 1633 by poet John Donne.The sun rising by John donne is an ideal example of the use of the metaphysical image to deal with the theme of the love. John donne employs the image of the Rising Sun for dealing with the theme of love the rising sun is in image, which is a generally used for the expression of new hope and optimism, but John donne employees this image for dealing with the theme of love the poem is address by the love to the rising sun. And the tone of the poet it is to criticize the rising sun. The Rising Sun is a generally welcome by people but here in the present poem the lover is unhappy with the rising sun and he rebukes the rising Sun.
The Lovers at the beginning of the poem complain to that sun. You are very busy all day. Because you wake up every morning and wake up every evening. Also says that you are old flower, unruly. When the sun rises, its light falls on her window. He says there is no set time for you to grow. You're unruly. The sun says that your commander will not go near our lover. Your power will run over latecomers, over children, over workers, over employs over kings and courtiers of the king. Your Rules and Regulations will not work on our Lover.The lovers are beyond the season and the climate created by the sun. The lovers have nothing to do with different units of the just like moments, minutes, hours, days, week, months and years. these unit of time are nothing but rags of time for the lovers.Love belief that the eyes of beloved have enough Shine to blind the sun he suggested the Rising Sun to take a round of the earth and to come the next morning with a realisation that the India of a species and all other precious thing are in his bedroom in the form of his beloved.She is all states all princess and all kings those king and princess do nothing but imitate the lover and his beloved.his beloved is the centre of the universe.The sun to shin their to give light their and to give warmth their.He wants to the Rising Sun to believe and accept that the bit is the Sun's centre and forwalls of the room is the sphere for the sun.
1]To His Coy Mistress :-
The poem address by a lover to his beloved. She is a very Coy-Say. I am and the love tries to convince her that since do not have enough time. She should not be Say the lover consider her sineness a crime because with limited time and space they have to love is othe. The lovers give in account of how he would have loved the praised her had he enough time and space but lover knows that they have to live and so he suggest not to be coy.the love described in detail how would have loved her had enough time and space.He would have past 100 years in passing her eyes the 200 years be would have a spent in passing her breast for the remaining of her body. He would have used 30,000 years to praise hi believers that his beloved desire this kind of honour the lower would like to pass is time very a vishly in her company.Lover tries to compare his girlfriend with time. And he wants to show his beauty but to show his beauty this is the time he doesn't think is enough. That's why he compares his girlfriend with time by taking his many years. Lover says I've been given enough time, not more. If more time had been given I would have brightened your beauty. Finally the lover tells his mistress that when you die and your board knows it the insect will pick it up and your beauty will be shattered. So we should both rejoice when we live. Don't let your beauty go to waste. His heart should be shown in the last age. It describes every part of his body in all subsequent ages. The poet says that behind my back I hear something like not hearing much. They give many examples like dust, desert of eternity, marble vault etc. He has to rejoice with his fingers eager to fight each of his limbs, comparing his skin to a dew point. He tells them by the example of the hunter and the bird that we both play together before time passes. Finally the poet says that there are so many fights of happiness and sorrow so let's remove it and close it with an iron door and no one can be as stable as the sun. So what work do you let your beauty go in vain.
1]The Collar
"The Collar" is a poem by Welsh poet George Herbert published in 1633, and is a part of a collection of poems within Herbert's book The Temple. The poem depicts a man who is experiencing a loss of faith and feelings of anger over the commitment he has made to God.
He wrote his poem the serve Christianity and "The Callar" is an example of it. The poem is addressed by a sinner and the selves of that sinner are at war with each other. The poem sounds like a monologue as the senior speak on behalf of his heart and also on behalf of his desire to live life frely. the word 'callar' stands for far the yoke of the senior was banned that towards the lack of material pleasures, but how it shifting towards Christianity the senior has come across the board and the a lter and that is enough to inspire him to live the life of material play. A the scenario is now no more willing to live the life of Singh and suffering he feels that he is a free to take any paath given to him by his conscience is desire is to restore himself in the heart of God almighty so far. He has simply soon thorns but how he wants to have some good harvest of good deeds so that he can be restored he wants to help the flowers and Garland and so he would like to do good deets.. When the heart of sinner speak in this manner, it is a responded by his free will the will of this Sinner is not ready to be bound by anything. The request of the heart is a responded negatively by the desire for free life is a free will wants the to forgetsb cold dispute about what is good. And what is not good. The free will is instigates the sinner to live live freely by neglected the cage of what is good? And what is not good free will tell the sinner in to be thy law. The heart the sinner tells the sinner to follow and the free will of the sinner tells the scene. to neglect all lows.The sinner is the present poem is now from as he would like to listen to his lord and not hi to free will the sinner now knows- he that four bears to suit and serves need. This was his Lord simply this decision of the sinner is enough. The sinner experience some our calling him child. The sinner gives a reply that is my lord.The final decision of the sinner of the present poem is surrounded to God and path with the life of material pleasure.
Thank you
Words -3500
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